Film makeup workshop
After the screenwriting and directing workshops, it was time to get our hands dirty. During the sixth edition of Octopus, we invite you to an intensive three-day film makeup workshop with Katarzyna Foltyńska – a makeup artist with nearly forty years of experience, who has worked on such films as “Kingsajz,” “Career of Nikos Dyzma” and “Apokawixa.” If you’ve ever wondered how to convincingly create imitations of stab or gunshot wounds, or how to prepare the makeup of a living corpse, this workshop is for you.
Please send applications to
The number of places is limited, the order of applications is decisive.
The cost of participation in the workshop: 400 zloty
The workshop will be held on August 9-11 (from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.)
The venue for the workshop will be the unique Luks Sfera studio, which is located at ul. Elektryków in building 132b, the former design office of the Gdansk Shipyard. The building does not have an elevator.
The workshop is part of the Industry section.